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E. H. James' books are published by Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing.

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The Orah



 Liz wished she could go back and do it all again. 


After all, it was Liz’s fault her mom was dead…or so she believed. Had Liz not delayed her, her mom never would have been killed by that car. And as the twentieth anniversary of her mother’s death came around, Liz could not help but wish it had been her instead. That is, until a gentlemen sits next to her on the park bench. He tells her his story, and she feels strangely compelled to tell him hers, but when he leaves her his pocket watch as a gift, she cannot believe what is happening. Only this isn’t just any watch, as she soon discovers, and she is pulled back in time.


Are events coincidental, even random? Or is there a perfectly timed symmetry yet to be lived? The possessor of The Orah is the only one to know.

Realms of Darkness

ASIN B0752975L2


The Lamp
Two friends try their hand at the Ouija with unexpected results.

The Late Shift
When straggling customers make you late for your bus, and the next one doesn’t come for an hour…and there’s a serial killer on the loose.

The Furnace
When your husband has left for work before you get up, and a repairman shows up at your door…What do you do?

Warning: This ebook may contain language and violence offensive to some readers.





George had seen some strange things over his lifetime, travelling those roads. But if he thought he’d seen it all, he was mistaken. For if he believed finding Laura on a deserted roadside, in the middle of the night, was strange...what was to follow would challenge the very boundaries of everything he’d ever known.

The Visitor's Room



If Amy thought this day on the psych ward would be just like any other she would be wrong. 

For although everything seemed normal, well as normal as a place like that could be, something was not quite right. That she couldn’t put her finger on it only made it all the more perplexing. 

Should you ask questions...when you aren’t prepared to hear the answer?

The Fifth Floor



Jeremy Brogan thought being a night watchman at a hospital would be easy, wandering long, dark, empty halls late at night. It might even get kind of boring, after a while…Except Jeremy is working at St. Michael’s; the most haunted hospital in the country.  


It’s a good thing Jeremy doesn’t believe in ghosts. Everything he sees and hears must have some kind of explanation, right?  


That he had to patrol the fifth floor was bad enough, but never in his wildest dreams did he believe he would end up in the basement. Now all he wants is out…only the hospital, and its inhabitants, have other plans.

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